Our Mission:

We are on a mission to improve health outcomes of in-vitro fertilization (IVF)-related pregnancies and eliminate preventable pregnancy loss for ALL.

 Our Vision:

A world without baby loss.

Our WHY:

1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss and 1 in 160 pregnancies end in stillbirths. These statistics only add to the burden carried by the 1 in 6 couples who are already battling infertility. These numbers also do not tell the whole story.

Today in America, Black mothers are more than twice as likely to experience miscarriage and stillbirth compared to their White counterparts. Black and Hispanic women are less likely to have access to fertility care and also less likely to have a successful IVF cycle. Due to well-documented institutional bias, mothers of color—particularly Black and indigenous mothers—are at even higher risk of their concerns being ignored or overlooked at any aspect of their medical care.

This. Is. Not. OK.

We are committed to fighting for better outcomes. For moms. For babies. For ALL.

To do this we must BOTH invest in research to advance future outcomes AND address the disparities in outcomes today. This is how we will S.O.A.R!

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Who We Support:

 Some of the organizations related to IVF research that we support include the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Yale School of Medicine Reproductive and Placental Research Unit, Tommy’s: Together for Every Baby, PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy, the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Association and March of Dimes. We further stand by RESOLVE advocating for change.

We are ever grateful and support NILMDTS providing remembrance photography for bereaved families and support The Ruthie Lou Foundation providing comfort boxes for bereaved parents.

Please contact us if you would like to be a sponsor or volunteer with The Maya’s Wings Foundation.

“I am resilient because of your strength, I am compassionate because of your grace, and I have hope because of your love. I was not ready for you to grow wings, but I can give you a meaningful flight. So fly free, my love. I will help you change the world.”

— Maya’s mommies